Testimonials Archive
Robin Merril:

I have trained at other camps in Bangkok but Tiger has one of the best facilities that I have ever trained at!

robin-merrill-04-200x133 My experience at Tiger Muaythai is unique in that I both train and compete out of tiger and also work for Tiger as the main fight photographer. When I first decided to make the voyage to Thailand to further my studies in the Art of Muay Thai I spent roughly seven months researching every single camp [...]

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Kaylee Dovlet:

Take it from someone who never intended to actually live abroad: you will not be disappointed!

kaylees-temp-test-pic-200x201 I arrived at Tiger Muay Thai in August of 2007 after traveling in Taiwan for 2 months, only intending to stay for a month or two before going home to Canada. I was welcomed immediately by the friendly office staff and they were able to answer all of my questions and set me up in [...]

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Randy Hale:

BEWARE! Tiger Muay Thai has ruined my life!

dsc_30101-200x132 This post is here for the people that are trying to decide where to train in Phuket. I didn’t know anything about the training in Thailand so i checked out a couple of places, like Rawai and Phuket Muay Thai. But Tiger seemed the most organized and most diverse. I’m 43 and had a love of [...]

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