"Tiger Bites" Guest quotes and coments

Nora Signer said:

tmt-script-logoTiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest Nora Signer’s testimonial:
“Going to miss you all. Thanks for a great time”

Jean-Pierre said:

tiger_logo_1Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest Jean-Pierre De Villier’s testimonial:
“Always Good! Back for for more training. “

Dave Smith said:

Dave Smith returns to TMT for 4th timeTiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest David Smith’s testimonial:
“Just a quick email to say what a great TMT experience I had last month, the MMA training was superb. Ray Breaks down his drills and sequences so well, leaving you feel like you have truly, mentally and physically been taught something. The camp has come along so much in the last two years, becoming more like a small Muay Thai/MMA village than a camp. “

Sami Mevamedi said:


Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp Phuket, Thailand: Guest Comments

“GREAT place to train!”

Shaun Cassidy said:

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Guest, Phuket, ThailandTiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand: Guest Comments


Damasani Ayeliya said:

Tiger Muay Thai training camp Phuket, Thailand female guestTiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand: Guest Comments

“I really enjoy to do Muay Thai here. I will be back again soon.

Gagandeep Singh said:

Tiger Muay Thai training camp, Phuket, Thailand guestTiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand: Guest Comments

“The Muay Thai trainers here are exceptional. I will definitely come back again next year. The training atmosphere is great and I had a very positive experience here and will miss this place.”

Sergio Cabrera and Scott Drummond said:

Tiger Muay Thai, Phuket Thailand guestsTiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand: Guest Comments

“I had a great experience training here at Tiger Muay Thai. I will definitely come back to train again. Next time I will stay longer.”

“Great training! Hard Workout! Everyone at TMT is very friendly and helpful. I look forward to coming back.”