"Tiger Bites" Guest quotes and coments

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp guest: Steven Allen said:

Tiger Muay Thai,MMA, BJJ training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest testimonial:
“Good trainers and organization, especially in the Muay Thai fighters section.”

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand guest: Elliot James said:

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA / BJJ training camp Phuket Thailand guest testimonial:
“Very Good. Learned heaps. Thanks for all the help”

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest: Russell Kenng said:

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp, Phuket, Thailand guest testimonial:

Tiger Muay Thai Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand: David Blaise said:

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp guest testimonial:
“Very good training”

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand Guest: Mark Bisson said:

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA training camp guest testimonial:

Mark spent 6+ months training with us @ Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Phuket, Thailand fighting several times.

“Absolutely loved the training and staff here. Can’t think of anything else to say but perfect. If I do I will e-mail.”

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket Thailand Guest: Jakub Bischoff said:

Tiger Muay Thai Training camp Guest testimonial:
“Best time ever :)

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp Guest: Johnathan Louie (Sept17, 2009) said:

Tiger Muay Thai Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand Guest Testimonial:
“Had a great time at Tiger Muay Thai”

Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Training Camp, Phuket Thailand Guest: Douvre Remi said:

Tiger Muay Thai training camp Guest Testimonial:
“Really nice place to come for training Muay Thai. Thanks a lot for everything.”