Nic Edgerton


Today we say goodbye
To Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp
But please don’t be down
That we are leaving town

We’ll be back before you know
Ready to go ‘toe-to-toe’,
But for now we have to bulk
So we can be bigger than ‘The Thai Hulk’

11 weeks have gone so fast
I can’t believe it’s in the past,
All the friends & memories that were made
I know they will never fade.

When I arrived I was just guessing
Turns out it’s such a blessing,
Tiger Muay Thai has been unbelievable
I did what I was told was unachievable.

Just wanna say a big THANK YOU to everyone at Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp for the opportunities that were given to me here and the great friends I have made..
I will be back soon but first I’m going to see the world a little bit..
To this day fighting for Tiger was the best thing I’ve ever done and with the trainers I had in my corner there was no way I could lose.